County Office of Emergency Services coordinates the development and ongoing use of several emergency management preplans, including:
This multi-hazard functional plan outlines the functions, responsibilities, and regional risk assessments of Calaveras County for large scale emergencies (i.e. wildland fires, hazardous materials incidents, flooding, dam failure, light airplane crashes, etc.). This Plan sets forth an operating strategy for managing these incidents. The EOP addresses the planned response to extraordinary emergency situations associated with natural disasters, technological incidents, and national security emergencies in or affecting the County of Calaveras. The plan establishes a flexible, all hazards, emergency management organization required to facilitate the response to, and provide for short term recovery activities related to any significant emergency or disaster affecting Calaveras County. The plan further identifies the policies, responsibilities and procedures required to protect the health and safety of Calaveras County communities, public and private property and the environmental effects of natural and technological emergencies and disasters. It establishes the operational concepts and procedures associated with Initial Response Operations (field response) to emergencies, the Extended Response Operations (County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activities) and the recovery process.
Is a county guide to hazard mitigation planning to better protect the people and property of Calaveras County from the effects of hazardous events. This plan demonstrates the communities’ commitment to reducing risks from hazards and serves as a tool to help decision makers direct mitigation activities and resources.